Thursday, April 21, 2016


Miranda's petition - created to spread awareness on the UNCRC and why we should ratify it.

Child rights campaign  - another petition for the president to submit a treaty to the senate. 

Ratification of the UNCRC - another petition for Cory Booker and the ratification of the UNCRC. 

These are a couple petitions I found that are in support of the ratification of the UNCRC.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Article 4

Article 4
 "The government should make these rights available to children."
Article 4 I feel is a very important foundation to the UNCRC. Children are only able to get these rights if the government even lets them know that they're available. If a child doesn't know about any rights he or she has then how are they able to make sure they aren't being treated unfairly? By having the government making these rights known to children, thee children are able to fulfill them and make sure they're getting treated fairly and equally. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Article 42

Article 42

"Governments must make the convention known to children and adults." 
This article is honestly extremely important. It's vital for children and individuals to understand what rights children have and how to make sure their rights aren't being violated. Similarly to article 12 children should have access to all and any important information. Knowing their rights would go under that important information. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Article 12

Article 12 
"Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously."

This is an important article because it ultimately affects the child, their body and their life. If they are going to make a decision it will affect them for the rest of their lives so why should it be 100% left up to someone else without their input at least? For an adult it is super important for them to allow the child access to any and all information that would aid them in making their mind up. It's also important for the child to understand any consequences of their decision as well. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Why the UNCRC?

Reasons for the UNCRC

The United States signed the UNCRC in 1995. Today it's time for us to ratify this document so that it will have a greater impact not only nationally but internationally as well. With the UNCRC the United States has made steps on supporting child rights like,
  1. protecting children from armed conflict
  2. sexual exploitation and;
  3.  the sale of children
the UNCRC has many other articles that are as important, for example the
  1.  respect of birth registration
  2. the right to acquire a nationality and;
  3. and combating illicit transfer and non-return of children abroad

So yes, the United States signing on for some of the optional protocols of the UNCRC is major, there are still many articles and rights of children that should be supported just as much.